Post-mission processing
Suggested workflows for processing glider positional, environmental, and acoustic data
This page is meant to provide some examples of how to run the post-mission processing tools after a mission is complete. These include functions to extract glider surface and dead-reckoned positional data, environmental data, and acoustic recording status into simplified tables for further analysis and some simple summary tables and figures.
This page covers four example workflows found in the agate\example_workflows
folder. - workflow_processPositionalData.m
: Extracts glider surface and dead-reckoned sampling locations, environmental data and piloting/orientation data into tables for future analysis. Saves as .mat
and .csv
. Also creates NCEI-ready location and CTD data tables. Jump to section - workflow_acousticEffort.m
: Assesses acoustic effort in space and time adding a pam column to the location tables, extracting location and depth for each sound file, and quanitfying effort at a few time scales. Jump to section - workflow_missionSummaries.m
: Create a summary table with timing, distance, and acoustic effort for multiple gliders Jump to section - workflow_plotMultipleGliders.m
: Jump to section
Details for each function used below (inputs, outputs, etc) are available within the standard MATLAB-type documentation in the header of each function and include a detailed description, info on input and output arguments, and examples. These details can be pulled up by typing doc function
or help function
within the MATLAB Command Window.
To run any of the agate functions, the toolbox must be initialized with a configuration file.
No configuration file yet? Go to the Configuration Guide. The examples on this page include working with acoustic data and plotting so the OPTIONAL - acoustics
and OPTIONAL - plotting
sections must be complete.
% make sure agate is on the path!
% initialize with specified configuration file, 'agate_config.cnf'
CONFIG = agate('agate_config.cnf');
% OR
% initialize with prompt to select configuration file
CONFIG = agate;
Process positional data
The code in this section follows along with the workflow_processPositionalData.m
Extract key positional data
Use the extractPositionalData
function to read through all .log
and .nc
files from the basestation and pull out useful location, depth, environmental, and glider speed and orientation data. Two tables are created: (1) a surface GPS location table with known dive start and end locations and times, and (2) a dead-reckoned/calculated location table with estimated locations when the glider is underwater plus measured environmental data. Underwater location and orientation (latitude, longitude, displacement, speed, glide angle) are calculated on board the glider using two models - the hydrodynamic model and the glide-slope model. Both are extracted from the .nc
files; hydrodynamic values have basic column headers like latitude
, longitude
, and glide-slope model values have _gsm
appended to the header name (latitude_gsm
, longitude_gsm
, etc.). Some environmental and speed values will appear as NA
when the glider considers them invalid via an internal QA/QC process.
%% (1) Extract positional data
% This step can take some time to process through all .nc files
gpsSurfT, locCalcT] = extractPositionalData(CONFIG, 1);
[% 0 in plotOn argument will not plot 'check' figures, but change to 1 to
% plot basic figures for output checking
% save as .mat and .csv
save(fullfile(CONFIG.path.mission, 'profiles', ...
CONFIG.gmStr, '_gpsSurfaceTable.mat']), 'gpsSurfT');
[writetable(gpsSurfT,fullfile(CONFIG.path.mission, 'profiles', ...
CONFIG.gmStr, '_gpsSurfaceTable.csv']))
save(fullfile(CONFIG.path.mission, 'profiles', ...
CONFIG.gmStr, '_locCalcT.mat']),'locCalcT');
[writetable(locCalcT, fullfile(CONFIG.path.mission, 'profiles', ...
CONFIG.gmStr, '_locCalcT.csv'])); [
Simplify the positional and environmental data for NCEI
Acoustic data being sent to NCEI for public archiving needs location, depth, and environmental metadata in the data package. This step creates simplified versions of the tables created above in .csv
format to be easily packaged with the acoustic files. It creates three tables: (1) a GPS surface location table with start and end time and location for each dive, (2) a calculated location (or dead-reckoned location) table with the dead-reckoned latitude and longitude and measured depth at each glider sample (approx every 10 - 120 seconds depending on the science
file loaded on the Seaglider), and (3) a CTD table with the location and depth information in the calculated location table plus temperature, salinity, density, and sound speed at each sample. Note the calculated locations are those calculated using the Seaglider’s hydrodynamic model (as opposed to the glide-slope model) and the CTD table may contain NA
values where the data sample was not considered valid.
%% (2) Simplify positional data for packaging for NCEI
% surface location table
% load gpsSurfT if not already loaded
if ~exist('gpsSurfT', 'var')
load(fullfile(CONFIG.path.mission, 'profiles', ...
CONFIG.gmStr, '_gpsSurfaceTable.mat']));
% clean up columns/names
keepCols = {'dive', 'startDateTime', 'startLatitude', 'startLongitude', ...
'endDateTime', 'endLatitude', 'endLongitude'};
gpsSurfSimp = gpsSurfT(:,keepCols);
newNames = {'DiveNumber', 'StartDateTime_UTC', 'StartLatitude', 'StartLongitude', ...
'EndDateTime_UTC', 'EndLatitude', 'EndLongitude'};
gpsSurfSimp.Properties.VariableNames = newNames;
% write to csv
writetable(gpsSurfSimp, fullfile(CONFIG.path.mission, 'profiles', ...
CONFIG.gmStr, '_GPSSurfaceTableSimple.csv']))
% calculated location table
% load locCalcT if not already loaded
if ~exist('locCalcT', 'var')
load(fullfile(CONFIG.path.mission, 'profiles', ...
CONFIG.gmStr, '_locCalcT.mat']))
% clean up columns/names
keepCols = {'dateTime', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'depth', 'dive'};
locCalcSimp = locCalcT(:,keepCols);
newNames = {'DateTime_UTC', 'Latitude', 'Longitude', 'Depth_m', 'DiveNumber'};
locCalcSimp.Properties.VariableNames = newNames;
% write to csv
writetable(locCalcSimp, fullfile(CONFIG.path.mission, 'profiles', ...
CONFIG.gmStr, '_CalculatedLocationTableSimple.csv']))
% environmental data
% load locCalcT if not already loaded
if ~exist('locCalcT', 'var')
load(fullfile(CONFIG.path.mission, 'profiles', ...
CONFIG.gmStr, '_locCalcT.mat']))
% clean up columns/names
keepCols = {'dive', 'dateTime', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'depth', ...
'temperature', 'salinity', 'soundVelocity', 'density'};
locCalcEnv = locCalcT(:,keepCols);
newNames = {'DiveNumber', 'DateTime_UTC', 'Latitude', 'Longitude', 'Depth_m', ...
'Temperature_C', 'Salinity_PSU', 'SoundSpeed_m_s', 'Density_kg_m3', };
locCalcEnv.Properties.VariableNames = newNames;
% write to csv
writetable(locCalcEnv, fullfile(CONFIG.path.mission, 'profiles', ...
CONFIG.gmStr, '_CTD.csv'])) [
Create sound speed profile plot
The plotSoundSpeedProfile
function can create standardized sound speed profiles for each mission.
%% (3) Plot sound speed profile
% load locCalcT if not already loaded
if ~exist('locCalcT', 'var')
load(fullfile(CONFIG.path.mission, 'profiles', ...
CONFIG.glider, '_', CONFIG.mission, '_locCalcT.mat']))
plotSoundSpeedProfile(CONFIG, locCalcT);
% save as .png and .pdf
exportgraphics(gcf, fullfile(CONFIG.path.mission, 'profiles', ...
CONFIG.gmStr, '_SSP.png']))
[exportgraphics(gcf, fullfile(CONFIG.path.mission, 'profiles', ...
CONFIG.gmStr, '_SSP.pdf'])) [
Calculate acoustic effort
The code in this section follows along with the workflow_acousticEffort.m
It requires the sound files to be in .wav
or .flac
format. See Convert Acoustics for help converting from original .dat
raw files to either .wav
or .flac
Summarize acoustic recording status for locations/positions
Use the extractPAMSatus
function to use the timestamp/timing info of each sound file to calculate the total recording duration per dive and mark if the PAM system was on (1) or off (0) for each calculated location/glider data sample. This function can be slow as it runs through every sound file using audioinfo
to check the file size and calculate it’s duration. It requires an existing locCalcT
and gpsSurfT
made above and updates them with a pam column.
%% (1) Extract acoustic system status for each dive and sample time
% load locCalcT and gpsSurfT if not already loaded
if ~exist('locCalcT', 'var')
load(fullfile(CONFIG.path.mission, 'profiles', ...
CONFIG.gmStr, '_locCalcT.mat']))
if ~exist('gpsSurfT', 'var')
load(fullfile(CONFIG.path.mission, 'profiles', ...
CONFIG.gmStr, '_gpsSurfaceTable.mat']));
% loop through sound files to gets 'status' for existing positional tables
gpsSurfT, locCalcT, pamFiles, pamByDive] = extractPAMStatus(CONFIG, ...
[gpsSurfT, locCalcT);
fprintf('Total PAM duration: %.2f hours\n', hours(sum(pamFiles.dur, 'omitnan')));
% save updated positional tables and pam tables
save(fullfile(CONFIG.path.mission, 'profiles', ...
CONFIG.gmStr, '_pamFiles.mat']), 'pamFiles');
[save(fullfile(CONFIG.path.mission, 'profiles', ...
CONFIG.gmStr, '_pamByDive.mat']), 'pamByDive');
save(fullfile(CONFIG.path.mission, 'profiles', ...
CONFIG.gmStr '_locCalcT_pam.mat']), 'locCalcT');
[writetable(locCalcT, fullfile(CONFIG.path.mission, 'profiles', ...
CONFIG.gmStr '_locCalcT_pam.csv']));
save(fullfile(CONFIG.path.mission, 'profiles', ...
CONFIG.gmStr '_gpsSurfaceTable_pam.mat']), 'gpsSurfT');
[writetable(gpsSurfT, fullfile(CONFIG.path.mission, 'profiles', ...
CONFIG.gmStr '_gpsSurfaceTable_pam.csv'])); [
Get location data for each sound file
Conversely, it can be useful to have a location, depth, and other metrics for each individual sound file if the presence of calls or noise levels are being assessed on a file-by-file bin/granularity. The extractPAMFilePosits
function loops through each file and looks for a calculated location/data sample within a defined timeBuffer
window of the start of each sound file. The buffer should be set to balance the file duration and the maximum time between samples (as defined in the Seagliders science
file). For example, for 10-minute PMAR files with 120-second glider sampling interval, a buffer of 180 seconds is likely good. For a 1-minute WISPR file with 120-second glider sampling interval, a buffer of 80 seconds is likely appropriate.
%% (2) Extract positional data for each sound file
% load locCalcT and pamFiles if not already loaded
if ~exist('locCalcT', 'var')
load(fullfile(CONFIG.path.mission, 'profiles', ...
CONFIG.gmStr, '_locCalcT.mat']))
if ~exist('pamFiles', 'var')
load(fullfile(CONFIG.path.mission, 'profiles', ...
CONFIG.gmStr, '_pamFiles.mat']))
% set a time buffer around which locations are acceptable
timeBuffer = 180; % seconds
% get position at start of each sound file
pamFilePosits = extractPAMFilePosits(pamFiles, locCalcT, timeBuffer);
% save as .mat and .cs
save(fullfile(CONFIG.path.mission, 'profiles', ...
CONFIG.gmStr '_pamFilePosits.mat']), 'pamFilePosits');
[writetable(pamFilePosits, fullfile(CONFIG.path.mission, 'profiles', ...
CONFIG.gmStr '_pamFilePosits.csv'])); [
Summarize acoustic effort
Use the calcPAMEffort
function to summarize mission acoustic effort at several scales: by minute, minutes per hour, minutes per day, and hours per day. This prints a few summary statistics to the Command Window and creates tables with minute and hour-sized bins.
This and the other acoustic effort
%% (3) Summarize acoustic effort
if ~exist('gpsSurfT', 'var')
load(fullfile(CONFIG.path.mission, 'profiles', ...
CONFIG.gmStr, '_gpsSurfaceTable.mat']))
if ~exist('pamFiles', 'var')
load(fullfile(CONFIG.path.mission, 'profiles', ...
CONFIG.gmStr, '_pamFiles.mat']))
if ~exist('pamByDive', 'var')
load(fullfile(CONFIG.path.mission, 'profiles', ...
CONFIG.gmStr, '_pamByDive.mat']))
% create byMin, minPerHour, minPerDay matrices
pamByMin, pamMinPerHour, pamMinPerDay, pamHrPerDay] = calcPAMEffort(...
[CONFIG, gpsSurfT, pamFiles, pamByDive);
% save it
save(fullfile(CONFIG.path.mission, 'profiles', ...
CONFIG.gmStr, '_pamEffort.mat']), ...
['pamByMin', 'pamMinPerHour', 'pamMinPerDay', 'pamHrPerDay');
Generate mission summaries
The code in this section follows along with the workflow_missionSummaries.m
. It is expecting the data inputs/outputs to follow the folder structure described in the Set up folder structure section of the Get Started page.
This workflow does not actually require agate but the example code could be modified to use a mission configuration file/agate to set the mission/profiles path. Each loop through a mission would just need to load that mission’s configuration file before populating the table. Alternatively, the paths can just be set manually:
% path to location where each glider's mission folder lives e.g., if
% gpsSurfT is in C:\Users\User.Name\Desktop\sgXXX_Mon20XX\profiles, use:
path_missions = fullfile('C:\Users\User.Name\Desktop\');
% (loop assumes gpsSurfT is within a profiles folder in a mission folder)
% path to save .csvs
path_out = fullfile('C:\Users\User.Name\Desktop\', 'project_outputs');
Then define which missions to include in the summary table.
% mission strings to include
missionStrs = {'sgXXX_Loc_Mon20XX';
Create an empty table and loop through each mission, loading its gpsSurfT
and calculating some basic summary statistics. Then save as a .csv
out_vars = [{'glider', 'string'}; ...
'startDateTime', 'datetime'}; ...
{'endDateTime', 'datetime'}; ...
{'numDives', 'double'}; ...
{'durDays', 'double'}; ...
{'dist_km', 'double'}];
out = table('size', [length(missionStrs), size(out_vars,1)], ...
'VariableNames', out_vars(:,1), 'VariableTypes', out_vars(:,2));
for m = 1:length(missionStrs)
missionStr = missionStrs{m};
% pull year from string
yrStr = missionStr(end-3:end);
% define path to 'profiles' folder with processed tables
path_profiles = fullfile(path_missions, missionStr, 'profiles');
% load gpsSurfT
% (created with agate, using workflow_processPositionalData)
load(fullfile(path_profiles, [missionStr '_gpsSurfaceTable.mat']))
% calculate mission summary stats
out.glider{m} = missionStr(1:5);
out.startDateTime(m) = gpsSurfT.startDateTime(1);
out.endDateTime(m) = gpsSurfT.endDateTime(end);
out.numDives(m) = max(gpsSurfT.dive);
out.durDays(m) = round(days(out.endDateTime(m)-out.startDateTime(m)));
out.dist_km(m) = round(sum(gpsSurfT.distance_km, 'omitnan'), 1);
writetable(out, fullfile(path_out, 'missionSummaryTable.csv'));
If desired, acoustic effort can also be included as total hours recorded and the percent of the total mission with recordings (excluding gaps in recordings when the glider was at the surface or if there was a duty cycle).
out_vars = [{'recDur_hr', 'double'}; ...
% {'possHrs', 'double'}; ...
'recPercent', 'string'}; ...
{% {'recDays', 'string'} ...
% append to existing table
out_pam = table('size', [length(missionStrs), size(out_vars,1)], ...
'VariableNames', out_vars(:,1), 'VariableTypes', out_vars(:,2));
out = [out out_pam];
for m = 1:length(missionStrs)
missionStr = missionStrs{m};
% define path to 'profiles' folder with processed tables
path_profiles = fullfile(path_missions, missionStr, 'profiles');
% load pam effort tables
load(fullfile(path_profiles, [missionStr '_pamEffort.mat']));
% pam summary stats
out.recDur_hr(m) = round(sum(pamMinPerHour.pam, 'omitnan')/60, 1);
out.recPercent{m} = sprintf('%i%%', ...
round(out.recDur_hr(m)/ ...
hours(out.endDateTime(m) - out.startDateTime(m)))*100));
writetable(out, fullfile(path_out, 'missionSummaryTable_PAM.csv'));